Why choose us?

Why choose Adriatic Digital as your outsourcing digital team?

We are proactive and dedicated

You don’t need to wait for campaign implementation, pausing, optimization or reporting. We are proactive and dedicated

We are results driven

Your results are our results. By implementing the most advanced tracking options, conversion optimization methods, we are striving toward goals

We have proven success

We have successfully optimized over hundreds campaigns for more than 20 markets. We have proven success.

We are experienced and certified

We are more than 15 years in digital business helping many companies and agencies to achieve goals. We are certified and up to date with current trends

We are creative

We are following the latest trends in web design. We produce original visual and content elements that successfully communicating business goals.

We have large network of professionals

We are constantly growing our network of professionals to be able to help your business requirements

Why outsource in Serbia?

Reduce and control your IT costs

European outsourcing teams are way more cheaper compared to one in USA and Western Europe. That’s why, US and Western European countries expect to lower costs by hiring skilled and experienced IT teams from Serbia.

Reduce risk and cost of career investments

Whenever hire some inhouse you don’t know how much this person really know except if you conduct rigorous tests. Finding talented employees can be tough, especially in smaller cities. Finding, interviewing and negotiating can take time. Onboarding new employees take time and can be expensive. On the other side, most outsourcing teams are highly skilled in specific disciplines and usually takes less time to find talent.

Stay focused on your Core Business

The highest quality of digital strategic counseling

The highest quality of website design and development

The highest quality of paid media, SEO, Social media implementation

High-skilled teams

European thinking country

We are located in one of the best cities for outsourcing. It’s close to other Western European countries, ideal for short term business visits

Frequent communication with the client

Like most of outsourcing teams, Adriatic Digital is available for frequent communication with the client. Communication is the core of good and long term business relationship.

Client has full control over the project

As a client we allow you to have full control over the project while our role is more focus on providing consultation based on best practices from industry and our experience, as well as executive.


We are flexible and able to work whenever project requires attention

Faster and better services

Unlike most of in-house teams who need time to learn and figure out how to solve specific challenge, we already have solutions since we have many clients with similar requrements.

Serbia's outsourcing industry achieved over 450 M USD last year

Serbian ICT sector helped Serbia to be ranked on the 50th place on the list of biggest software experters in the world.

Total number of graduates in the technical areas is over 7K

Key global players are based in Serbia

Microsoft, Oracle, Siemens,Intel, Cisco, NCR, HP, SAP, IBM, Google, Adobe, Ericsron, Execom, Vast, Endava are in Serbia

Serbia is worthwhile market to invest

According to US-British PMR Consultancy, Serbia has relatively low employment costs, strong links with Western economies, increasing nubmer of university graduates wich make country a worthwile market for investments

Serbia has more than 2000 software companies

Nordeus, Seven Bridges, Devana, ComTrade are most famous software companies from Serbia

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